Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pricing and Art

As time goes by, does art appreciate in value or depreciate like a car? One would hope it would appreciate in value. What to do when pricing your work? One adage that I adhere to is this: "You wouldn't have a job in America if your employer is not making money off of you". This is certainly true. In recent days, I've bumped into women business owners who are hearing from their mates: "when is this business going to make money?"-- describing their wives' businesses. It certainly is a daunting challenge and one that I've heard from my own mate! I keep trying to make it profitable and keep trying to win supporters and relish even an encouraging word. But it is a challenge. I'm not going to blame the economy, blame the president, blame America, or whomever is the financial boogey-woogey man that is taking my fame and fortune away. It's up to me to make it profitable and do the necessary work that will create a profitable art-related business. That is, ask the hard questions to yourself: would you buy this from you? That's the first question. And if the answer is "yes" then how much are you willing to pay? I have a couple of dilemmas I'm considering right now. One is: how much to charge for art-cards I create myself via cyanotypes and the other is to gently encourage a sale from a friend in another state who stated that he was very interested in purchasing a photographic print. The other thing is that I need to keep up with my website, keep updating, keep blogging, expand my presence on social media. The list is long. Are you willing to put in the time and effort?

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