Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mother Nature

Today, while going my merry way, thinking of the day and what I had planned, something happened unexpectedly. I was driving the Silverado Chevy when I lost control and started to slide down my mile long driveway, which was a sheet of ice.
It was a harrowing experience to say the least. Frazzled with shaking hands, I tried to gain control and stop the vehicle. I should say I'm fortunate and very blessed to be alive. I kept telling myself: "you can do this". I tried all the buttons, 4W Drive AUTO, 4 with the arrow pointing down, and kept sliding until I managed to stop the vehicle. I had to literally crawl on my hands and knees when I got out of the vehicle. Wearing only rubber-soled new balance gym shoes, I had to walk up the 1/2 mile to my house on the snow berms.
When I got to house I broke down and began to cry realizing how close a call it was. I called my husband and told him what was happened, repeating: "I'm in trouble". A simple thing like getting in your car to pick up your child turns into a life or death situation. I wasn't expecting that.
I found out Mother Nature is a non-negotiator. She doesn't negotiate. She lays out the situation, and one had better pay attention. If not, there is a price to pay.
When my hands stopped shaking and I stopped crying, realizing that I might have flipped and gone into the trees or worse, I thought maybe it's not worth it to live on a hill. Maybe I should re-consider living on a hill like this in the winter.
I don't know. I know my husband now has a worst migraine than now that I've told him what happened. I feel sore all over from the stress, yet still have to go out and face the day and pick up my daughter.
With both menfolk out in other places and being alone, somehow I'll get the help I need from a divine source. I know that for sure.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Getting ready for Friday

Getting up at the crack of dawn...what a saying! But in reality, the crack of dawn is no fun for me, definitely I'm not a morning person and plan to stay that way!
Going to Spokane will be fun I think.

A great idea


It's colder than cold, colder than a witch's you know what in a brass bra!

What ever that means. I'm getting fatter, and that's not good. Went to yoga class last night but was too distracted. Oh well. Hopefully the class will improve. It's a parent/child class and while my baby was great, others in the class not so great.

Have to remember to call Mom as it's frightfully cold in Chicago.

Also, going to try and remind boss lady that I need to come in late on Friday.

My other baby leaves next week for a weekend in LA for a modeling session. It will be a great experience for him!

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

This is so cool...

I can blog from any email address! Whooppppeeee! It's great when technology works and it does what it states it's going to do.
Right now I'm getting ready for some needed shut-eye. Wine has got to help!
Work is fine and it's Wednesday, over the hump day.
We're trying to get Weight Watchers started in our ultra-rural neck of the woods.
Yesterday I connected with an old friend I have not spoken to in ten years because of FACEBOOK!
YIKES...10 years...

see if it works

well, it was a tough day in the office. Just a lot of talk and face to face with my boss. She's a nice lady, and I'm fine with all the rules and regulations. Sometimes people take advantage of my 'sloppiness' I think.
I'm kind of not a person who gets into rules too much. I can't cause I'll stifle and shut down when there are too many rules. Suffice it to say, I run my shop a little loosey-goosey and that's fine with me!
Don't get me wrong, I do have borders, I have perameters and lines in the sand. But I have always believed that you train people how to treat you.
That's for sure.

Waiting on an Answer

Well, when you submit to a contest, you must wait. I think the poster I created for the Chicago Latino International Film Festival is great. They will pick mine, and I will get the prize, I know it. $1K would be a really nice prize! It's a toss-up...WOW! I keep using that word. Now I will blog, blog, and blog more, now that I can using email!

I'm trying out Feedjit's Twitter blog widget at

Alice Neel - My favorite Painter

I think there is a painter in me, and I'm drawing her out! Pun intended! It's a conundrum, and tonight I'm exploring how much input to let others (my loved ones) give me about my painting. It's a tough call. Sometimes I wish I could paint in silence without any input, comments, jibes, discussion, talk or criticism from others. I don't take it lightly and I think I may have ruined a good painting. Oh well. There is always another one. I finally ordered some great brushes and hopefully they will come soon along with an Alice Neel book who always, always, always inspires me. Maybe a grant or two or three in my future. I know this, and it's from one of my favorite authors, Louise Hay: What we believe about ourselves and about life becomes true for us. I have tweeted this before but it is worth repeating. I found this on my twitter account, gloriart. Love, life and art, what else is there? Oh yes, FOOD!

Oil Painting of Dave - Is it done, or did I botch a good thing?

Well here are two images which I like best? I don't know. I'm liking the beginning of Dave's painting, but got him involved with the hair. That is, he made comments about his hair looking "Nazi-ish" and I agreed. I don't know if the new hair is better or if the painting (the more completed one) is better. It's a toss-up. With the incomplete one, there is some 'freshness' I don't get with the other one. Oh well, it's all a learning process.